YING DA WANG 100% safe & effective yellow tablet
₱85.007% offProduct details of Original Ying Da Wang Enhance supplement both for Men
(All Natural) Private Packaging
Original and new batch Ying Da Wang all natural sexual boosters for men
MEN: Frequent Erections, makes penis bigger and thicker, prolongs coition time(by up to 75 minutes), and boosts sex drive.
The effects of one tablet of Ying Da Wang sex Pill can last for up to 120 hours!INGREDIENTS: Herbal Aphrodisiac Ying Da Wang tablets adopt suoyang, xianmao, niugi, hyssop, angelica, medlar, tusizi, bugudzi and some other rare herbal medicines which are used to nourish kidney, steadying germ cell, stimulating ardour.
This 100% natural product is made using a modern bioengineering technology without any hormonal or exciting ingredients. It has absolutely no harmful side effects.
INDICATIONS: For treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculation, low potency, lack of sex drive or sex desire.
Also useful as a recreational sex enhancement or penis enlargement pills.
Usage & Dosage: Take 1 tablet orally 1/2 hour before sexual intercourse for the best effect.
At Master Hokage we believe that pleasure should be an extraordinary experience for everyone.
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